Parents Are Truly The Pride Of Their Children

According to Proverbs 17:6 “Grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged; parents are the pride of their children.”     


My parents and grandparents modeled the truth of God’s word in me and my siblings (2 Timothy 2:15: Colossians 3:16) not only with the words they said but also in their actions and behaviours (Proverbs 22:6).  God Gave them to me  as a  gift, I must keep appreciating, celebrating and honouring them (1 Corinthians 1;4: Philippians 1:3)


The verse describes a mutual state of love between parents, grandparents, and children in a family. The children take pride in their parents, and grandparents view grandchildren as their crowning glory.


I remembered the labour and investment they made to ensure I had a quality education and became a figure in the society (Matthew 19:17, 19; Ephesians 6:1-3). Their chastisement and correction have shaped me although it was not easy to abide by all instructions given by them (Hebrew 12:11). I take pride in their commitment, resilience and spiritual upbringing in studying the word of God and prayers as a training to make us useful to God and our society.


In contrast, some children can not take pride in their parents because some parents pay more attention to material things, are careless, and have no time to settle down with their children to show them the way of God at an early stage. Such children will wish evil on their parents. 


In conclusion, parents should make their children the first priority in all, a home not in shape will be void and empty at the end. Let children take pride in us as a parents when we do all that is required for building them on a sure and good foundation that is Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:10-11). Parents are builders!

Prioritizing the will of God leads to blessings

Any family that prioritizes the will of God will enjoy the blessings of a happy home with godly children. The following are the benefits of doing God’s will as a family: 1 Samuel 1.


  1. God’s will leads to blessings and joy. Even though Hannah was barren, she persistently prayed for a child, believing that it was God’s will for her. When God finally answered her prayer and gave her Samuel, it brought great rejoicing (1 Samuel 1:10, 19-20). Seeking God’s will aligns us with his purposes and results in blessings.


  1. God’s will empowers us to honor our promises. When Hannah made a vow to dedicate any son she bore to the Lord’s service, she sought God’s will. By doing so, she fulfilled her promise when Samuel was born (1 Samuel 1:11, 24-28). If we follow God’s plan for our lives, we can fulfill the commitments we have made to Him.


  1. Putting God’s will first can lead us to greater things. In the Bible story of Hannah and Samuel, Hannah prayed for a child and dedicated him to God. As a result, God used Samuel in amazing ways as a prophet, priest, and judge to lead Israel (1 Samuel 3:19-21). When we prioritize God’s purposes over our own, we can find more meaningful ways to live our lives. 


  1. Her recognition of God’s will. Hannah, from the book of 1 Samuel, recognized that children are gifts from God and should be stewarded for His glory. When parents prioritize God’s will in their lives, it teaches their children to do the same and live for God’s glory instead of their self-interest.


  1. God’s will gives a sense of meaning and mission. Elkanah supported Hannah’s vow and Samuel’s dedication, unifying the family in a shared vision to serve God (1 Samuel 1:21-23). Prioritizing God’s will gives families a primary sense of meaning and mission.

Is It Good For Husbands To Regularly Worship God?


Is it good for husbands to regularly worship God?

Yes, it is good for husbands to regularly worship God.

In 1 Samuel chapter 1, we find the story of Elkanah, who regularly went to worship and sacrifice to the Lord, even though his wife Hannah faced challenges. Yes, it is good for husbands to regularly worship God for several reasons:

  1. Spiritual Leadership:

    Regular worship demonstrates spiritual leadership within the family. Husbands, as heads of households, can set an example by prioritizing worship.

  1. Seeking Guidance:

    Worship is a time when individuals seek God’s guidance and wisdom. Husbands, by engaging in regular worship, show their reliance on God’s direction in leading their families.

  1. Cultivating Faith:

    Worship helps cultivate and strengthen faith. Husbands, through consistent worship, contribute to the spiritual growth and resilience of their families.

  1. Modeling Devotion:

    Regular worship allows husbands to model devotion to God, teaching their families the importance of a personal relationship with the Lord.

  1. Family Unity:

    Worship can foster a sense of unity within the family. When husbands participate, it encourages a shared spiritual experience that can strengthen family bonds.

In summary, based on biblical principles and the example set by individuals like Elkanah, husbands regularly worshiping God is not only good but also plays a vital role in nurturing a spiritually vibrant and united family.


Akubueze Best Behavior Awards 2022 | ABBA AWARDS 2022 ENTRIES


Hello All and Sundry! Yesterday, there was a communiqué from the man of God Rev. PC Akubueze, who made it clear that a second category has been added to the ABBA AWARDS 2022. This is the Bible Quiz category which now broadens the door for entry to everyone who wants to participate. The first category is the good deeds category which is equally open to all. Details on both categories are outlined below. 

There are two categories for entry and anyone can enter into more than one category. The first category is the good works category and the second is the Bible Quiz category.

On the one hand, the Bible Quiz involves 5 questions of varied biblical topics with each question carrying 20 points. 

Akubueze Best Behavior Awards 2022 | ABBA AWARDS 2022 ENTRIESOnly those candidates who scored above 50 points can qualify for entry in the Bible Quiz category. Your qualification gives you an automatic ticket for nomination. 

Every nominee also gets a prize that would be determined and disclosed by the Panel. Three winners will be selected from the available nominees as the first, second, and third with respective prizes. 

Please, note that everything which constitutes a good read, from grammar to spelling, shall be considered. 

The Bible Quiz will start very soon at a pace of one question per session. There will be 5 sessions each on different days. 

Answers to questions shall be sent via this email,, and through inbox messages on the Facebook platform. 

To participate in the Bible Quiz category, you will need a code/number uniquely given to you by the team after you must have expressed your desire to participate in the comment section of this communiqué. So, if you are interested, email us ASAP.

On the other hand, the Good deeds category constitutes the spontaneous acts of good works inspired by God’s love, voluntarily and outstandingly done without necessarily expecting a reward from anyone. You can back it up with photos of your good deeds. 

The Good deeds category entails :

OPTION 1. A short video clip of not less than 3 minutes highlighting the good work(s) you did to meet an impromptu need or a spur-of-the-moment solution to a social problem. 

–Recipient(s) of your love actions should not be your family, friends, or relatives. 

–The video clips must not be images from a movie, a skit, or a copyrighted work of someone else. It must be an original video to qualify for entry.

–The video quality does not necessarily matter but the images should be visible enough. 

–You don’t have to buy an expensive gadget for this purpose. Any gadget that can capture images such as your phone is good to use. However, if you have access to HD video cameras, it’s up to you to use. 

OPTION 2. If you can’t video-record your good deeds, there’s a written option to give a good description of any of your good deeds motivated by love that was spontaneously done as a solution to a problem of those who aren’t your friends, and from whom you don’t expect a reward. It must be backed with legit photos. 

–Either of the two above can qualify for entry for the ABBA AWARDS 2022 in September 2021. 

–Entries shall start in September 2021. We shall notify you when the time comes. But it’s very important that you stay aware of THE NEEDS of your environment in order to discern when an opportunity to show love comes up. When it does, try to film or record the scene(s) as you respond to the needs, and save your video/photos files. 

–All entries shall be good deeds done in 2021. 

–You can enter in all two categories. This means that if you are in the Bible Quiz category, you can still enter in the Good Deeds category without let or hindrance.

— We shall accept all entries from anyone who follows this page, Ammgospel-J-Media. 

–Only videos and descriptions nominated for that category shall receive a prize.

–Three winners will emerge from those nominated as the first, second, and third respectively. 

–Prizes will be exclusively determined by the Panel.

Thank you for joining the ABBA AWARDS 2022. GOD BLESS!

Akubueze Bible Study Question 10 | LEADERSHIP AND CORRUPTION

Proverbs 3:27 says: “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when it is in your power to act.”

Question: Everybody is a leader. In the light of leadership–leaders and the led–how can the above verse be considered in the context of corruption? Please, give examples to illustrate your answers.