FAQ To Note On Ammgospel iCounseling




1) What do I do if I need help but am ashamed to talk about my problems to you? 


Shame is a negative force that does a lot of harm to people, amongst other factors, is its ability to keep you bound and limited to the circumstances you find yourself. However, each individual has the capacity and will when put to work to overcome this vector. The bottom line question is: do you need help? If you do then let nothing stop you. Go for it.


2) What do I do if I don’t trust the people I talk to about my issues?


Please don’t tell others your privacies if you don’t trust them, and aren’t comfortable with them. Period.

In addition, we would say that the kind of help we offer is based upon trust between us and the one we help. We believe whatever you say is affecting you to be true. And you come to us because you trust us and believe we could help you in one way or another. Whenever you trust someone, you should be free with that individual or group of them. Trust is the area you should develop when in need of our services or similar services. And the only way to develop trust is by trusting. If you don’t feel you can trust us, please don’t contact us.


3) What do I do if I am unable to trust the one I speak to about my issues?


Lack of trust and being unable to trust someone are two different things. While both could have a series of causes, the latter greatly differs from the former in that it’s based upon unhealthy experiences and conclusions. There must be an experience or conclusion you’ve reached and with which you measure why and whom you should trust. We cannot do this for you, sorry. You are the only person who knows best why you are unable to trust. This could have a damaging effect on your life as it could keep you bound unable to get the help you desperately need.


4) What do I do if I truly don’t feel free talking to someone about my issues?


Having read the above questions 1 through 3, it would be good to point out that the lack of freedom to talk could be caused by many factors. It could be fear, shame, trustlessness, and other causes. Try to see exactly why you don’t feel free to talk to someone or to talk about an issue. And thus develop confidence in the areas you’ve noticed.


5) What do I do if I do not feel free to talk about my issues at all?


Again read questions 1 through 4. In addition, not being or feeling free to talk about your issues can be because of guilt of some sort, fear of exposure, fear of consequences, or shame. And there could be extra reasons for this. But see for yourself why this is so. And ask yourself if you need help or not. The one thing we don’t do is to give help to people who don’t think they need it.


6) What do I do If I really need help and love your counseling but don’t want to talk about my issues?


Well, this is not a healthy conclusion either. Note that leaving the issue untouched doesn’t help it. You need help, yes, but don’t want to recall an issue? Be sure you don’t want to be hurt about it, which is a child of bitterness or unforgiveness. Anyway! Just do something to establish the reason(s) behind your decision, and having determined the reason(s), the choice remains yours as a free being. We do respect the choices of all people. Then you can go to the counseling page, consult the sections respectively, and see which circumstance best describes your situation, click on it and check on the solutions that best suit your need.


7) Are my personal data made public?


No. We don’t publish any personal data of anyone whether the email addresses, home and work details, or contact phone numbers. While we serve you, every private information of yours is kept anonymous. Please, see our icounseling site, you will see for yourself that all participators and contributors are kept anonymous with no personal contact data published.


8) Is my problem published after counseling?


Yes, it is, but without any information that would betray your trust and confidence. Above all, it’s against our policies to make public any personal details of any counselee. Even if you desired it to be (as some people want done), we don’t do so just as a matter of policy.


9) If I don’t want my problem published can I stop you from doing so?


Of course not. It’s equally part of our policies to publish almost all issues brought to our attention and that would serve the general interest of the Church. We do so to help others too who are in the same situations as yours. Issues of life keep repeating and they may affect just about anyone. Some people come to us because they read about others like yourself on our sites. Imagine if it weren’t published, how would they have received such a relief? When issues are published, there’s that comfort it brings to someone if they notice that they aren’t alone. Secondly, it helps us to tackle the same or similar problems quicker, better, and easier. Thirdly, it helps the would-be counselee see a kind of solution to an existing issue and thus saves his time and energy in getting the help needed.


10) Should I be 100 percent honest with you?


Why should you rate your level of honesty? Being honest is what we want, it helps us help you better. Our best advice for you is to just be real, to be yourself.


11) Do you counsel in different languages other than English?


We do counsel in English and French Languages respectively. But sooner, we shall extend our services to incorporate other languages too. When that is done we shall keep you informed.


12) Should I be a Christian to be helped by your team?


Not really, We are a Christian and non-denominational organization. While we render our services to all people of all cultures whether Christian or not, we should point out clearly the fact that we do counsel with the Holy Bible and uphold its values and from it make good decisions with the help of the Holy Spirit that best reflect the solutions to a given or set of problems.


13) Should I be a member of your Church to be helped?


Not at all. See question 12 above.


14) Is this a means to get people into Christianity?


No. We don’t use it as a means to convert people to Christianity. It’s rather one of the means that Christianity has taught us to love and shown us to reach out to our society with the kind of love that it professes. Yet the law protects all people, reserving their right to convert to any religion that they see fit. If you love what we do and want to know why we do what we do, our motives and drives click here. Certainly, you may want to experience life with the Lord Jesus, our Savoir, and the one sole reason why and for whom we serve others. Please, see a section on how to become a Christian or on Salvation and the search for God on the iCounseling main page, or you may contact us directly by clicking here.