How can one biblically make money grow? 

How can one biblically make money grow? 


 Prov 13:11 says “Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished, but he that gathereth by labour shall increase ” 


This implies that ill-gotten wealth shall surely decrease, cease to grow, or even multiply but that which we work for will increase.


By this, we are encouraged to work to make wealth and not get wealthy through dubious means as it has no positive result. It is only the wealth obtained through a rightful means that God can breathe on and cause to multiply or increase.


 To justify this, Prov  10: 22 says, the blessings of the Lord maketh rich …

 It is when God blesses us that we can become rich or wealthy. Our God is not a God that supports iniquity, therefore, He will only support and bless those whose means of livelihood is genuine.


 On the other hand, wealth gotten through the wrong means or source will add sorrow and certainly diminish with time because God is not in it.


In conclusion, we can make money grow by working for it and not amassing wealth through dubious means.

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