8 Ways to Enjoy Christmas as Couples
Every Christmas has always been what every family looks up to. As a family, you prepare for this day, get foodstuffs, and new wear for your children, plan vacations and places to go, to have fun, according to your capacity. It’s always a season full of excitement as everyone will be off work a few days to this day which will give couples enough time to connect.
Christmas is a season of love, joy, and reflection. For Christian couples, it is an opportunity to strengthen their bond and honor the birth of Jesus Christ in ways that glorify God and deepen their relationship. The Bible reminds us that “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12). Keeping Christ at the center of your relationship can make your Christmas celebrations more meaningful.
As beautiful as this day is, some families still find it difficult to enjoy their Christmas, some prefer to go to friends’ houses rather than spend their day with their spouses. To them, Christmas isn’t exciting and they prefer to go away from their own house and spend time with others due to marital issues. Also, most couples that stay together during Christmas might not recognize that the connection during this time might have a positive effect on their union, instead, they spend the whole time cooking alone, chatting with friends on social media, and a lot more. Some couples are even far away from each other during this period.
Recognizing this, this article will focus on 8 ways to enjoy Christmas as a Couple.
1. Pray Together and Reflect on the Birth of Christ
2. Decorate your Home with a Christ-centered theme
3. Serve Others Together and Create a Tradition of Giving
4. Attend Christmas Service Together
5. Host a Christ-Centered Christmas Dinner
6. Reflect on Your Year Together
7. Set Goals for the New Year
8. End the Year with thanksgiving
During every Christmas, in my family, we wake up praying together and instead of stepping off the bed to prepare the kids after the morning prayer like we usually do, we stay back and reflect on the Birth of Christ before we prepare the kids and also take our bath in preparation for the Christmas service. In marriage, Prayer is of great importance and is the foundation of every Christian relationship. Begin the Christmas season by praying together, thanking God for the gift of Christ, and seeking His guidance for your plans. The Bible tells us to “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful” (Colossians 4:2). Make your prayer time special by dedicating moments to reflect on God’s blessings throughout the year. Spend time reading and meditating on the Christmas story from the Bible. This will help you focus on the true meaning of the season. Take turns reading the scriptures aloud to create a spiritual atmosphere in your home. This, when practiced, bonds you together as a couple in unimaginable ways.
Every child admires the radiant color they see on the streets during Christmas and couples should create one for them in their homes. Choose decorations that reflect the biblical significance of Christmas, display nativity scenes and Christian ornaments. Get a Christmas tree, lights, and flowers, and make your home colorful and welcoming. This should be done by both of you and as you do it, play together with your kids, if you have any. Use your decorations to remind each other and your visitors about the Savior’s birth.
During Christmas, follow Christ’s example by serving others. Volunteer at a shelter, donate to charity or visit the less privileged. The word of God reminds us that whatever we do to others, we’re doing all unto God (Matthew 25:40). Sharing acts of kindness as a couple will strengthen our bond and glorify God. Celebrate Christmas by exchanging gifts that reflect your love for others and your faith as a Christian. Consider giving others devotionals, Christian books, symbolic items, and food items as much as you’re capable of. All you have is from God and should be shared with your neighbors having nothing (James 1:17). Extend this tradition by giving to friends and family, emphasizing the joy of giving over receiving, and expressing the love of Christ to people around you.
Christmas services are usually beautiful and no family should miss it. Participate in your church’s Christmas events, such as carol services, Christmas Eve worship, or special programs. The word of God emphasizes the importance of fellowshipping with other brethren “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing” (Hebrews 10:25). Use these services to renew your commitment to God and each other, by so doing, you’re expressing your love for God and at the same time, celebrating the birth of Christ with your family.
During Christmas, you can invite family and friends to a dinner focused on fellowship and faith. This may not necessarily be an elaborate dinner, it may simply be between you and your siblings with their families, like a family reunion. During this dinner, share testimonies and pray together. Also, it may be with strangers in your neighborhood, they can be called and as they come, you witness Christ to them. The Bible says “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers” (Hebrews 13:2). Ensure that your gathering highlights gratitude for Christ’s love and ensure it’s also a means to win more souls.
At night, when activities with others cease, use the time to review your year as a couple. Thank God for the milestones you’ve achieved, reflect on all you’ve acquired in the year, the challenges you have overcome, all that God added to your lives and home in the new year, your spiritual life, and commit your plans to Him (Proverbs 3:6). After doing this, write down your reflections and prayers as a couple.
The Christmas season is also a time to set new goals for the new year approaching. Set spiritual and personal goals for your relationship and align them with God’s purpose. Set goals on your spiritual walk with God, your finances, your career, your business, your vision and assignments, and all you desire to achieve in other areas of your life. After doing this, place it before the Lord and commit all into His hand (Proverbs 16:3). Pray over these goals and ensure to hold each other accountable and remind each other regularly.
This season comes with a joyful feeling, reminding us that the new year is close. This alone clothes us with a garment of thanksgiving and gratitude to God for seeing us through a whole year. Conclude your Christmas celebrations by expressing gratitude to God for His blessings and faithfulness throughout the year. The Bible tells us to “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Create a list of blessings and thank God together as a family and this should not only be done during this season but should become a tradition in your home.
Christmas is more than just a holiday; it is a sacred celebration of God’s love through the gift of Jesus Christ. By embracing these 8 ways to enjoy Christmas as a couple, you both will strengthen your relationship, glorify God, and share His love with others. The Bible says “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him (Colossians 3:17). My prayer for you is this, may this season bring you closer to God and each other as you celebrate the birth of our Savior in Jesus name. Merry Christmas!
Yes! It truly is! Let’s consider the following:
1. Praying for others demonstrates selflessness and a genuine concern for the well-being of others. This act of kindness and compassion can bring about a sense of peace and fulfillment within oneself.
2. The Bible encourages us to love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:31). By praying for others, we are demonstrating our love and care for them, which can help cultivate a heart of love and empathy within ourselves.
3. Praying for others can also lead to blessings in our own lives. In the book of Job, we learn that when Job prayed for his friends, his own situation improved and he experienced restoration and blessings (Job 42:10).
4. Jesus Himself exemplified the importance of praying for others when He prayed for His disciples and all believers in John 17. By doing so, He demonstrated selflessness and a posture of intercession on behalf of others.
5. In Philippians 2:3-4, we are encouraged to consider others above ourselves and to look out for their interests. Praying for others is a practical way to live out this commandment and cultivate a heart of humility and compassion.
In conclusion, praying for others is not only a way to intercede on their behalf but also a way to cultivate virtues such as love, humility, and empathy within ourselves. Through selfless prayers for others, we can experience blessings and spiritual growth in our own lives.
The effects of praying for others
Praying for others is a way to Pray for yourself. When you intercede for others, you cultivate compassion, humility, and a deeper understanding of God’s love. Jesus taught in Matthew 25:40: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Praying for others aligns you with God’s heart for humanity and strengthens your relationship with Him. Additionally, as you lift others up in prayer, you also invite God’s blessings and favor into your own life. Proverbs 11:25 says, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Therefore, praying for others not only benefits them but also enriches your own spiritual life.
Sincere dating allows us to be original and confident in the person we are.
First of all, let us look at the word DATING. Dating is a form of romantic courtship typically between two individuals with the aim of assessing the other’s suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or as a spouse.
To be sincere means to be original, truthful, genuine, to be pure, to mean what one says or does, not lying.
In a relationship, dating is a very crucial period when partners try to know each other better. In some partners, the dating period determines the success or failure of their relationship. In the dating period, some partners claim who they are not, and that is why some spouses after their marriage will say ‘ I didn’t know that he/she is like this ‘. They have been pretending to be who they are not. Prov 12:22 says that the Lord detests lying lips but delights in people who are trustworthy.
Here are some reasons why sincere dating allows us to be original and confident in the person we are.
1) Sincere dating helps partners to build trust in each other. When you are sincere, your partner believes in whatever you say or do without any doubt or fear.
2) It helps us to be who we are. In some dating where sincerity is lacking, some partners will tell themselves many lies, and after their marriage, they will be surprised to see a different personality apart from whom they claim to be. It is better to be proud of whom we are. In Psalm 139:14, the Psalmist says ‘ I praise you Lord for I am fearfully and wonderfully made’.
3) It makes us to be confident anytime anywhere without being afraid of being exposed.
4) It inculcates self-esteem and self-respect.
When you lied about your real identity and your partner came to know, you have sold your self-esteem and self-respect. You will be ashamed of the outcome of your lies.
5) Sincere dating helps your partner to defend you anytime knowing fully that you are who you said you are. If someone comes to gossip about you, your partner will defend you at all costs.
6) Sincere dating helps you to face any challenges in marriage.
If you are sincere during the dating period, if gives you the confidence to face any challenge that occurs in marriage knowing fully that the problem is not coming as a result of insincerity during dating.
In Ruth 1:1-end, the bible tells a story of Naomi and her daughters-in-law. Because sincerity had existed in their relationship, when challenges came upon them, Ruth didn’t abandon her mother-in-law and the bible told us how God rewarded her at last.
In conclusion,
Sincerity is the bedrock of any relationship. It builds love, confidence, and originality among partners. It makes spouses to be happy and proud of each other.
May God help us to be sincere in life and in our relationship. Amen.
There is a game my teacher in Sunday School introduced me to when I was younger. The game is called “angel and mortar.” In this game, the names of everyone in the room will be written on different pieces of paper and wrapped in such a way as to conceal the names. Each one of us would then pick up a name of a person already wrapped in a paper.
After this, we would spend a particular period of time praying for the person we picked in our personal time with God. The game was conducted in such a way that the people we were praying for would not even be aware that we picked their names. At the end of the stipulated period, we would each then give our prayer partners special gifts they would appreciate. It was always a surreal experience and it was so much fun.
But beyond that, it was always fulfilling because it was a privilege to see someone you had prayed for doing better. The basis for this game as taught by our Sunday school teacher was the story of Job. The Bible says that God instructed Job to “pray for his friends,” after which his fortunes were restored. Now, it’s interesting to know that God did not tell Job to pray for himself before he would be restored. God rather told him to pray for his friends for his (Job’s) restoration (Job 42:7-10).
This teaches us that there is power when we pray for others and not just ourselves. Firstly, praying for others rids us of our natural selfishness. You know, there was a time I got so insecure around my younger sister. I was literally jealous of her. However, I was shocked to the bone when the Holy Spirit instructed me to pray for her. In my mind, I was like, “What in the world, God! That’s someone who is literally better than me in everything. How do I pray for someone to increase higher when I am so low?” But then, the Holy Spirit helped me and I did begin to pray for her. And God has come and is still coming through for me in various ways.
Intercession is a great thing. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us (Rom. 8:26-27). So does Jesus (Heb. 7:25), and He desires us to imitate and imbibe His nature. Truly, when you pray for others unselfishly and from your heart, God hears and He comes through for them – but not without coming through for you in an even greater way! God is pleased when we pray for each other.
It shows that we are truly walking in love and we are truly concerned about one another’s well-being. It shows God that though we have our own problems, we are setting them aside, so we can bring to Him the problems of others. It shows that we are carrying one another’s burdens (hence fulfilling God’s law of love) (Gal. 6:2). What can make God happier than that?
When God sees a heart that truly loves unselfishly and comes to Him – as a Father that cares – with the burdens of others, He will bless such a heart.
Pray for someone today!
God’s nature as neither an author of confusion nor order is rooted in His character of holiness, wisdom, and sovereignty. In 1 Corinthians 14:33, it’s stated that God is not a God of confusion but of peace, emphasizing His desire for order and harmony in all things. Additionally, James 3:17 highlights the wisdom that comes from God, characterized by purity, peace, gentleness, and openness to reason, demonstrating His commitment to clarity and understanding. Therefore, God’s nature is inherently consistent with principles of orderliness and coherence, reflecting His divine wisdom and the perfection of His plans for creation.
“And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” (Matthew 6:7-8)
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6)
“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.” (1 John 5:14)
“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:18)
In conclusion, prayer is a powerful tool that strengthens our faith by fostering intimacy with God, increasing our reliance on Him, aligning our hearts with His will, and promoting our spiritual growth in Him.