This is what happens when a man’s ways please the Lord

“When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies be at peace with him.” – Prov. 16:7

It is definitely true. Here’s why:
The statement above was made by someone special. He was a king and by far, someone who should have had throngs of foes and enemies. Yet, he was audacious to say this. Why?
We see that prior to Solomon’s exceptional reign of wisdom, wealth, and fame, we are told in God’s Word that he had a pep talk with God. In his pep talk, the Bible records that what Solomon asked for “pleased” God. In return, God assured him of the wisdom, wealth, and fame he began to enjoy from then. Not only that, but God strikingly gave him “rest on every side from all his enemies” (1 Kgs. 3:3-15).
No wonder he could say this. And surveying through the chronicles of his life, you cannot dare to think otherwise.
But one would ask, what about his father, David? Did his ways not please the Lord? Why was his own life and reign characterized by the sting of enemies roundabout?
Well, it would interest you to know that even though it seemed that he had enemies, if you would look closely, all his enemies later came to a realization that he was true and just. In the end, he also enjoyed peace and rest (1 Chron. 23:25).
Also, here is what God told David after some time:
1Chr.22.9 – But you will have a son who will be a man of peace and rest, and I will give him rest from all his enemies on every side. His name will be Solomon, and I will grant Israel peace and quiet during his reign.
So, although in context, this statement was made to David on account of his desire to build a temple for the God He truly loved, I would like you to also see it this way. It could be a reward for the great pleasure that David brought to God that God in His mercies and favour decided to extend His blessings to David’s son, and beyond that, his entire generation (Exod. 20:6).
By accepting His Son, Jesus Christ (who was also David’s descendant), and living to please Him, we as children of God also enjoy this great promise of rest (Heb. 4:1-12).
We see Jehoshaphat also enjoying peace and rest on every side because He “pleased” the Lord (2 Chron. 20:1-30).
In foreign lands where some children of God would have surely had a lot of haters, we see the children of God enjoying great benefits. This is true of Joseph, Esther and even Daniel and his friends (Gen. 39:1-5; 20-23, Esther 2:15, Dan. 1:8-21; 2:47-49).
To enter into God’s rest from all the attacks of the enemy, we need to accept Him and please Him with our entire being.

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