Sincere dating allows us to be original and confident

Sincere dating allows us to be original and confident in the person we are.


First of all, let us look at the word DATING. Dating is a form of romantic courtship typically between two individuals with the aim of assessing the other’s suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or as a spouse. 

  To be sincere means to be original, truthful, genuine, to be pure, to mean what one says or does, not lying. 

  In a relationship, dating is a very crucial period when partners try to know each other better. In some partners, the dating period determines the success or failure of their relationship. In the dating period, some partners claim who they are not, and that is why some spouses after their marriage will say ‘ I didn’t know that he/she is like this ‘. They have been pretending to be who they are not. Prov 12:22  says that the Lord detests lying lips but delights in people who are trustworthy.


Here are some reasons why sincere dating allows us to be original and confident in the person we are.


1) Sincere dating helps partners to build trust in each other. When you are sincere, your partner believes in whatever you say or do without any doubt or fear.


2) It helps us to be who we are. In some dating where sincerity is lacking, some partners will tell themselves many lies, and after their marriage, they will be surprised to see a different personality apart from whom they claim to be. It is better to be proud of whom we are. In Psalm 139:14, the Psalmist says ‘ I praise you Lord for I am fearfully and wonderfully made’.


3) It makes us to be confident anytime anywhere without being afraid of being exposed.


4) It inculcates self-esteem and self-respect.

When you lied about your real identity and your partner came to know, you have sold your self-esteem and self-respect. You will be ashamed of the outcome of your lies.


5) Sincere dating helps your partner to defend you anytime knowing fully that you are who you said you are. If someone comes to gossip about you,  your partner will defend you at all costs.


6) Sincere dating helps you to face any challenges in marriage.

If you are sincere during the dating period, if gives you the confidence to face any challenge that occurs in marriage knowing fully that the problem is not coming as a result of insincerity during dating.

In Ruth 1:1-end, the bible tells a story of Naomi and her daughters-in-law. Because sincerity had existed in their relationship, when challenges came upon them, Ruth didn’t abandon her mother-in-law and the bible told us how God rewarded her at last.


In conclusion,

Sincerity is the bedrock of any relationship. It builds love, confidence, and originality among partners.  It makes spouses to be happy and proud of each other.

May God help us to be sincere in life and in our relationship. Amen.

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