4 things to know about the nature of God



God’s nature as neither an author of confusion nor order is rooted in His character of holiness, wisdom, and sovereignty. In 1 Corinthians 14:33, it’s stated that God is not a God of confusion but of peace, emphasizing His desire for order and harmony in all things. Additionally, James 3:17 highlights the wisdom that comes from God, characterized by purity, peace, gentleness, and openness to reason, demonstrating His commitment to clarity and understanding. Therefore, God’s nature is inherently consistent with principles of orderliness and coherence, reflecting His divine wisdom and the perfection of His plans for creation.


  1. God’s Word affirms His nature as a God of order. In 1 Corinthians 14:33, it’s stated: “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace—as in all the congregations of the Lord’s people.” This verse underscores God’s inherent nature of bringing order and harmony rather than confusion. It reflects His desire for coherence and tranquility in all aspects of life, including within the community of believers. This assurance provides a foundation for trust and confidence in God’s sovereignty, knowing that His plans and purposes are characterized by clarity and direction.


  1. God’s sovereignty ensures His plans unfold with purpose and coherence. Proverbs 19:21 states: “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.” This verse emphasizes God’s ultimate authority and control over all things, including the fulfillment of His plans. While humans may have various intentions and aspirations, it is ultimately God’s will that prevails. This truth brings assurance that even amidst uncertainty or apparent disorder, God’s sovereign hand is at work, guiding events according to His divine purpose. Therefore, believers can trust in His wisdom and providence, knowing that His plans are established in perfect order and will ultimately come to fruition.


  1. Disorder and confusion often arise from human sin and rebellion against God’s design. Romans 1:28 states: “Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind so that they do what ought not to be done.” This verse highlights the consequences of human disobedience and rejection of God’s truth. When people turn away from God and His ways, they descend into spiritual darkness and moral confusion. As a result, disorder and chaos become prevalent in their lives and societies. This passage underscores the correlation between sin and disorder, emphasizing that the rejection of God’s order leads to confusion and chaos. Therefore, it reaffirms that God is not the author of confusion but stands for order and righteousness.


  1. God’s acts and commandments consistently promote order and righteousness. Psalm 119:133 says, “Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me.” This verse reflects the psalmist’s desire for God to guide him in walking according to His commandments. Throughout the Bible, God’s commandments are portrayed as the pathway to righteousness and order. By following God’s precepts, individuals align themselves with His divine order and experience the blessings of obedience. Conversely, when people stray from God’s commandments, they invite disorder and chaos into their lives. Therefore, this verse underscores the importance of adhering to God’s Word as the foundation of a life characterized by righteousness and order. It reaffirms that God’s acts and commandments are inherently aligned with the principles of order and righteousness, further supporting the assertion that He is not the author of confusion.


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