How Often Should Husbands Serve The Lord ?

It is good for husbands to regularly worship God. 

In 1 Samuel 1, we see a man named Elkanah who was a reverent man of God and also devout. Elkanah was a man who truly worshipped and loved God. We can see this from how he spoke to his wife, Hannah (1 Sam. 1:5,8). Elkanah showed true worship which is beyond only going to the temple on certain days.

As a husband, it is good that you regularly worship God. Now, this worship transcends beyond just praying every day or going to church on Sundays. It is the giving of your entire heart, soul and life to God (Rom. 12:1-2). This is not to say that the above are not good or are ruled out, but true worship starts from the heart and then permeates through to our actions.

When a husband regularly (this could mean daily, hourly, minutely or even at all times) worships God, his home will flourish and God will answer his prayers and that of his home, just like he did to Elkanah (1 Sam. 1:19-20). 

A husband that truly worships the Lord regularly will have respect for his wife because His Master enjoins him to love his wife as He loved the church and gave himself for her (1 Sam. 1:23). This kind of husband will join hands with his wife and home to worship the Lord. This brings God honor and of course, God will bless such a home.

But this can only work when the husband sets His mind to truly love the Lord and worship Him regularly from the heart.

Is It Good For Husbands To Regularly Worship God?


Is it good for husbands to regularly worship God?

Yes, it is good for husbands to regularly worship God.

In 1 Samuel chapter 1, we find the story of Elkanah, who regularly went to worship and sacrifice to the Lord, even though his wife Hannah faced challenges. Yes, it is good for husbands to regularly worship God for several reasons:

  1. Spiritual Leadership:

    Regular worship demonstrates spiritual leadership within the family. Husbands, as heads of households, can set an example by prioritizing worship.

  1. Seeking Guidance:

    Worship is a time when individuals seek God’s guidance and wisdom. Husbands, by engaging in regular worship, show their reliance on God’s direction in leading their families.

  1. Cultivating Faith:

    Worship helps cultivate and strengthen faith. Husbands, through consistent worship, contribute to the spiritual growth and resilience of their families.

  1. Modeling Devotion:

    Regular worship allows husbands to model devotion to God, teaching their families the importance of a personal relationship with the Lord.

  1. Family Unity:

    Worship can foster a sense of unity within the family. When husbands participate, it encourages a shared spiritual experience that can strengthen family bonds.

In summary, based on biblical principles and the example set by individuals like Elkanah, husbands regularly worshiping God is not only good but also plays a vital role in nurturing a spiritually vibrant and united family.